Usb Workshop

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Day: June 19, 2021

Agriculture: Every Grain Count

Agriculture: Every Grain Count

Agriculture industryhas always been a part of everydevelopingcivilization for it helps in feeding the growing economy needed for its survival by providingthe main source of food, employment, and income. This sectoris chieflycomposed of four (4) sub-sectors which are farming, fisheries, livestock, and forestry. Over the time, policy-makers and economists have formulated policies and radical steps to improve the agriculture sector at the same time to maximize theusage of land fundamental tosecuring food, alleviatingpoverty, and sustainingthe overall development.

According to The World Bank, the agriculture sector has proven to be two to four times more effective in raising incomes particularly in economically depressed areas in comparison to the other sectors. Its positive effect to the overall economy is being counteracted bytheproblem on the growing global demand for food security which is worsening each year both in developing and underdeveloped that is directly affected by the following several factors:

  • Climate change that disrupts the overall farming process and harvest time.
  • Energy charge andlabor taxes which both impair the farmers’ pockets.
  • The presence of a strong agricultural foreign competitor.
  • Poor irrigation system and slow rate of agricultural technology development.
  • Biosecuritythatpromotes pest control on the plants.

Theseeconomical, ecological, and societal problemschallenged thefarming’s resiliency particularly with countries like Australia which is subjected to extreme weather fluctuations that impacts the annual production and farm income. Because of its location on the southern hemisphere, seasonal farming is employed. The expansion of arable lands made Australia to be one of the top producers of wheat, barley, canola, lentils, lupins, peas, and chickpeas around the globe.

To cater the influx of end-consumers of Australia’s grains and cropsindustry, numerous grain brokers have flocked in the market with a single aim and that is to bridge the buyers to the sellers of these agriculturalproduce in the most efficient andlawful way. Using specialized marketing plans and efficient operation optimization, the grain brokers were able to increase the profitability of Aussie farmers while aiding them in easing theircosts on farming and logistics by effectively linking them to their large network of potential customers, such as traders and exporters, with the use ofrecent and pertinent market informationresearched by its experts. These gathered information by the grain brokers, especially on market price, assisted the farmers in mitigating the risk and securing the contracts to their customers amidst the fierce competition with other international suppliers.

The agricultural-slash-marketing experts in the industry used their knowledge and experiencesto efficiently guide the farmers from seeding, growing, harvesting, storing, transporting, and marketing their products to the national and international market.For more information on grain brokers, you may visit this site:

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